Saturday, March 1, 2008

Special Announcement!

For those who might not be able to tell, that little bitty peanut between the plus signs is our baby. I am now 8 weeks pregnant, due in October. We're very excited about this!

So far, I have had very little morning sickness, mostly nausea with no vomiting. I did have one bad day a few weeks ago, but that was pretty much it. I also feel a lot more tired than usual and have to get up constantly to pee. The nighttime bathroom trips are what tipped me off. As of last Monday, I have only gained 1.8 pounds and everything looks good so far.


Aria Images said...

OMG Congrats!!!!! So happy for you! :) Makes me want one. hehe

High Desert Diva said...


angel said...

Hello quelle belle nouvelle !

Je suis très heureuse pour vous deux et je te souhaite une belle grossesse. I love you. Une futur grand-maman qui est heureuse de l'être

Caroline said...

Congratulations!! That's wonderful news!

The Funk Soap Co. said...

Je t'aime Angele! :)

Thank you for the congratulations, everyone!