Thursday, March 13, 2008

10 Week Ultrasound Photo

My blurry 10 week ultrasound photo. The baby has gone from 14 mm to 33 mm in about 2.5 weeks. It was dancing like crazy so it made it difficult for my doctor to get a good shot. I'm glad to see it moving around! You can click the photo to see a larger one. The head is on the left and that may be a little arm at the bottom, but it's too difficult to tell.

To my family in other places: First, I love you all! Second, the test results for my blood sugar came out OK. I will have to be careful about eating certain foods, but things look good for now. I'll be tested again at 24 weeks.


angel said...

Je suis très contente de suivre via internet l'évolution de ce petit bébé . Félicitation Brendal Take care of you . I love you so much. You are a good mommy ;)

patti flynn said...

how thrilling to see the baby!
and what a fast, blurry baby it is!

i'm glad to hear that everything is going well for you and no major morning sickness!

Stephanie said...

Oh I didn't know, congratulations to you! This must be such an exciting time in your life :)

Lisa Abdul-Quddus said...

I'm so happy for you & hubby! Glad you are well. (giggle) I'm so excited!